What is a fire safety log book?

A fire safety log book enables business and premises owners to record and maintain fire safety procedures and equipment required by legislation. It is a simple and effective way of ensuring faults are highlighted, equipment is regularly tested, and actions are taken to maintain fire safety.
Why do I need a fire safety log book?
Also called a fire precautions log book or log bog. The duties of the responsible person(s) are specified in articles 8 through 22 of The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (RRFSO), encompassing the need to take general fire precautions, undertake a fire risk assessment and make appropriate fire safety arrangements, to include “the effective planning, organisation, control, monitoring and review of the preventive and protective measures”.
Whilst you are not required to maintain a log book by law, to do so helps demonstrate compliance with current fire safety legislation. The log book should be kept up to date and readily accessible for inspection by the enforcing authority when required.
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. The RRFSO requires a comprehensive system of checking, maintaining, and repairing all fire safety equipment on an on-going and regular basis, together with the appropriate level of training in fire safety for any employees. All tests and maintenance must be recorded as it is a legal requirement, by virtue of the RRFSO, that the fire safety activities of the responsible person can be audited by the relevant authorities at any time.
What do fire safety log books do?
Fire logs books enables employers to document fire safety management responsibilities, including;
- Assist companies to comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
- Allows all important records to be documented and presented in the event of a fire
Can a fire log book be digital?
Yes. A digital fire logbook is an electronic version of a traditional paper-based fire logbook, used to record and store information related to fire safety checks, maintenance, and emergency procedures. Contact us here for a digital copy www.summitenvironmental.co.uk/contact
What should a fire log book contain?

Our 44 page, professionally printed A4 Book, is for recording all fire safety maintenance & location records within your premises. Is contains pages for recording:
- Fire Alarm – weekly and monthly checks. Record the necessary work, required checks and maintenance to the fire system in correct working order to ensure compliance.
- Fire Extinguishers/Fire Blankets - record regular inspections monthly and weekly of all fire extinguishers and other firefighting equipment
- Signage Inspections - Displayed correctly and installed correctly and fit for purpose.
- Emergency Lighting – Daily, monthly and annual records. Record regular servicing of emergency lighting systems.
- Sprinklers – weekly checks and annual service checks are easily recordable.
- Hose Reels monthly checks and annual checks.
- Fire Doors - Periodic checks should be carried out at least every 3 months, or more regularly if the door is heavily used.
- Fire Training - All employees must receive instruction and training to ensure that they understand the fire precautions in the building and the actions to take in the event of a fire.
- Evacuation Drills - It is recommended that fire evacuation drills be conducted at least once a year.
- Key Emergency Contacts – clear areas where to write your emergency contacts.
- Fire escape routes. Daily checks. within and from your premises must always be maintained and kept free from obstruction. A regular inspection should be carried out to ensure they are still compliant.
Our fire log book conforms to the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, clearly laid out with instructions and easy to use. Need help?www.summitenvironmental.co.uk/contact
- Fire safety log books
- Fire risk assessments
- Fire door inspection surveys